Saturday, June 7, 2008

Nü Shu

The idea is very interesting; a language which no man could read, write or understand. Did you hear before about Nü Shu? It’s not a fiction but an old Chinese language. Regardless of the historical reasons, this language was exclusively used by women, and that’s the interesting point. They didn’t permit men to learn it, and no woman mentioned anything about its secrets even to her sons.

A while ago, I believed that all women are the same, but later, I got convinced that they are so different. The idea of Nü Shu was a good answer to this point. Although they are different they had a common language which only women could speak and understand. A language which has no dictionary and no man has the authority to learn, while every woman could easily understand it.

Dear men, whoever feels that he understood a woman, take care. Words don’t have the same meaning between us, and something is lost in translation. The given statistics about Nü Shu tell us that there is a very small number of women who could speak Nü Shu, but who believes that? I think all women are fluent in Nü Shu.

P.S. I am not with or against women, I am just trying to analyze.

Mohamed Al-Khazendar


Mena M. Eissa said...

I think that men think, speak and act "Stran Geu"... I am not sure why you feel women are hard to understand although we are very predictable and common in many things...

Women invented this language as a reaction to the "Stran Geu" language... Anyways, I always think that direct words always lead to good endings.

P.S. Do you know somewhere I can learn "Nü Shu" at?

Amr Ibrahim said...

very nice entry to a blog.
Waiting for more.

For the language, I believe they are all the same, they have different attitudes bas it ends to the same mind.

It is almost one sized brain filled with different contents.

haza walho 23lm.

hOSAM said...

Failing to understand women is normal but how come you don't understand Nu Shu!!

PS: Mena, I know a man who teaches Nu Shu.

Unknown said...

i agree with that,
"only afool man says that he could outsmart awoman"and the smartthing is in leading men to believe that they outsmart women
-confusing but real